This request, if approved, would generate an additional $163 million annually. We are planning for upgrades that will help us deliver electricity more reliably, including:
Replacing poles and wires and trimming trees away from power lines;
Buying a natural gas-fueled power plant in Jackson to replace a portion of the electricity that will be lost when we close our seven oldest coal plants by spring 2016. It costs less than one-third as much to buy this plant as it would to build an entirely new natural gas-fired plant;
Making new environmental upgrades at power plants to help ensure Michigan's air remains the cleanest in a generation; and
New technology including accelerating the timeline for installing smart meters across Michigan to boost reliability and providing customers more control over their energy use. We began installing smart meters for business customers in December 2014. For more information, go to Smart Energy for Your Business.
We're asking permission to reduce electric rates for businesses that use the most energy and create the most jobs. Other large employers will see reductions in their electric bills, or – even as other business costs rise – pay the same for electricity as they do now. Some businesses and residential customers will see an increase as we work to balance the cost to serve all customers.
If approved, the following changes would be in place in 2015:
Municipal street lighting customers would see rates drop, on average, of 7.3 percent in 2015.
Industrial and large business customers served by primary voltage (includes large manufacturers, large office buildings and some schools) would see an average decrease of 5.5 percent.
Commercial and small business customers served by secondary voltage (includes restaurants, faith organizations, retail stores, small office buildings and medical facilities) would see an increase of 6.9 percent, on average.
Residential customers would see bills increase by 11.5 percent or about 35 cents more per day for the typical customer. Still, we expect the average Michigan home that we serve will continue to spend about $3 a day for electricity. In fact, Michigan households that we serve pay bills that are about 10 percent below the national average, and below the average for the Midwest.
Here to Help: Although these rate changes are averages, we recognize all of our customers are unique, and we want to work with you to help understand the impact on your business.
WEBINAR (Meeting Michigan's Future Energy Needs with Affordable Rates): In case you missed this webinar on Feb. 18, you can access the webinar recording and download the presentation Register today.